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homeA Small Boat, a Vast Sea and …
Montag, 30. Januar 2023

A Small Boat, a Vast Sea and …

In September, two men set out from Russia, hoping a boat could carry them to asylum on U.S. soil. Their quest for freedom did not go as planned.
Zuletzt geändert am 31. Januar 2023

A series of knocks ratt­led his apart­ment door one day last fall, and Mak­sim pee­red through the pee­pho­le to see two sol­diers in uni­form. They were mili­ta­ry enlist­ment offi­cers, he knew, expan­ding the vast con­scrip­ti­on effort for the war in Ukrai­ne to Russia’s remo­te Far East.

The 44-year-old fisher­man kept in moti­on­less silence until the offi­cers moved along. Kno­wing they would be back, Mak­sim went that night to the home of a fri­end, Ser­gei, who had recei­ved an unwel­co­me visit of his own. Tog­e­ther, they pored over maps at Sergei’s kit­chen table, try­ing to find a way to flee the coun­try and a war whe­re thou­sands of young Rus­si­an men were dying. Ser­gei then offe­red a plan that, at first, see­med unfathomable.

“I pro­po­se that we tra­vel by sea,” Ser­gei said.

Bildschirmfoto 2023 01 30 um 16.05.21
Mak­sim, left, and Ser­gei fled Rus­sia, oppo­sing their country’s war with Ukraine 
aus: nyti​mes​.com / Jan. 29, 2023 / A Small Boat, a Vast Sea and a Despe­ra­te Escape From Russia
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