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homeHoliday greetings
Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2012

Holiday greetings

Zuletzt geändert am 8. Dezember 2023
Holiday greetings are a selection of goodwill greetings used around the world to address strangers, family, coworkers or friends during the Christmas and holiday season ...

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Holi­day gree­tings are a sel­ec­tion of good­will gree­tings used around the world to address stran­gers, fami­ly, cowor­kers or fri­ends during the Christ­mas and holi­day sea­son which spans an appro­xi­ma­te time­frame of late Novem­ber through Janu­ary. Holi­days gene­ral­ly thought to be included in this sea­son include Christ­mas, New Year’s Day, Hanuk­kah, Boxing Day or Saint Stephen’s Day, Epi­pha­ny, Thanks­gi­ving and Kwanz­aa. Some gree­tings are more pre­va­lent than others, depen­ding on the cul­tu­ral and reli­gious sta­tus of any given area. Typi­cal­ly, a gree­ting con­sists of the word „Hap­py“ fol­lo­wed by the holi­day, such as „Hap­py New Year“ or „Hap­py Hanuk­kah“. Excep­ti­ons include „Mer­ry Christ­mas“ and „Season’s Greetings“.

Mit ande­ren Wor­ten: 2012 brach­te uns Glück und WIR.BERICHTE AUS DEM NEU­EN OE 2013 wird uns hof­fent­lich Glück und jeden­falls Mimu. Das ers­te öster­rei­chi­sche Migra­ti­ons­mu­se­um (vers. 1.0) bringen.

In die­sem Sin­ne: Hap­py New Year! Wir sehen uns spä­tes­tens am 18. Febru­ar 2013 um 19.00 Uhr in der Wie­ner Haupt­bü­che­rei am Urban Loritz Platz – details coming soon, hints are below:

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