Holiday greetings are a selection of goodwill greetings used around the world to address strangers, family, coworkers or friends during the Christmas and holiday season which spans an approximate timeframe of late November through January. Holidays generally thought to be included in this season include Christmas, New Year’s Day, Hanukkah, Boxing Day or Saint Stephen’s Day, Epiphany, Thanksgiving and Kwanzaa. Some greetings are more prevalent than others, depending on the cultural and religious status of any given area. Typically, a greeting consists of the word „Happy“ followed by the holiday, such as „Happy New Year“ or „Happy Hanukkah“. Exceptions include „Merry Christmas“ and „Season’s Greetings“.
Mit anderen Worten: 2012 brachte uns Glück und WIR.BERICHTE AUS DEM NEUEN OE 2013 wird uns hoffentlich Glück und jedenfalls Mimu. Das erste österreichische Migrationsmuseum (vers. 1.0) bringen.
In diesem Sinne: Happy New Year! Wir sehen uns spätestens am 18. Februar 2013 um 19.00 Uhr in der Wiener Hauptbücherei am Urban Loritz Platz – details coming soon, hints are below: